Kiefer Sutherland Sentenced to Jail

Sutherland at a party in

Hollywood on Sept. 24.

Photo by: M. Sayles/AP

Kiefer Sutherland was sentenced Wednesday to 48 days in jail for his latest DUI arrest and for violating probation

The 24 star, wearing a black pinstripe suit and looking contrite as he showed up to the L.A. courtroom, was sentenced to serve the time consecutively at the Glendale City Jail, sparing him from the much harsher L.A. County facility. He has until March 30 to complete his jail sentence.
Asked if he had any comment, Sutherland, 40, smiled and shook his head as he walked away from the courtroom.
Judge Stuart M. Rice also sentenced Sutherland to five years probation, and he must complete an 18-month alcohol education program and attend weekly therapy sessions for six months.
Sutherland previously released a statement saying, "I'm very disappointed in myself for the poor judgment I exhibited recently, and I'm deeply sorry for the disappointment and distress this has caused my family, friends and co-workers on 24 and at 20th Century Fox. I appreciate the support and concern that has been extended to me these last weeks both personally and professionally".

By Ken Lee

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